Get ready to place your bets on a fun-filled evening! We are ready to run for the roses at our annual Reverse Raffle and Silent Auction. Our Reverse Raffle is set for Saturday, April 6. Again, we will have Stumler’s Catering preparing our dinner and dessert.
The Reverse Raffle is a fun-filled night with lots of laughter, gambling, and fellowship. We want everyone to come out and enjoy. Please share our Reverse Raffle information with everyone. Order forms are included in the Bear Facts. If you need extra forms, please call the office.
Tickets are $30 per person which includes dinner and door prize entry. We also have our raffle tickets that can be purchased for $50, $25, and $10. We will also have our Silent Auction, 50/50 drawing, Treasure Trunks, and more. Please see the attached order form for more information and help us make this night a success.